About Us

Music is Therapy

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Piano4Everyone is distinct from “regular” music making as its purpose is the enjoyment and well-being of the participant and the group, not an artistic or aesthetic outcome. Of particular importance is the fact that participation does not require talent or training. Exemplary performance is not the motive – fun and relaxation are the key drivers.

Piano4Everyone tears down the age-old idea that music is “for a select group called musicians,” or that you can’t get into it without a huge investment in equipment, time and talent. In short,


Quality instruments are essential to the success of any musician. It is impossible to learn the nuances and colors of the piano if you do not have an excellent instrument on which to experience them. Therefore, all instruments at the Piano4Everyone studio for private and group piano lessons take place on state of the art digital pianos.


Lessons starting and ending on time, clear studio policies, straightforward billing and open communication with parents make the business dealings of Piano4Everyone a pleasure. Plus, students receive a progress report/certificate every term so their achievements can be monitored.

We have small classes of up to 8 people, which allow us to maintain personal relationships with every student and to offer a unique experience.

Founder: Dr. Katya Gliadkovsky - Doctor of Musical Arts